CLEAR Management Committee (the governing Board) members include founding Trustees and other local Levenmouth residents who devote their time, experience and skills to guiding the charity, as well as taking an active part in daily actions on the ground.  Regular Management Committee meetings are held bi-monthly (on the third Tuesday of each month) at the Hub or Garden from 6.30-8pm

Our members play a key role in setting our priorities, through consultations or by joining our management committee.

Current Committee members are:

Bob Taylor (Chair)

Rab Thomson (vice Chair)

Shona Lumsden (Treasurer)

Allen Armstrong (Secretary)

Marion Garry

Ken Haig

Allan Thomson

Duncan Zuill (representing Bats Wood and Levenmouth Academy)

Councillor (representing Fife Council – next appointee to be confirmed

Office bearer posts are elected at the Annual General Meeting (normally held around September each year).  CLEAR is guided by a Constitution, planned for revision during 2022   Any signed-up member can attend the AGM and may be invited to participate in Management Committee meetings

The Annual Reports and Accounts of CLEAR are submitted, once finalised to the Scottish charity Regulator, OSCR available for inspection ( a copy is also carried on the CLEAR website)

Become a Board Member